About Me

headshot My journey began when I graduated from Rutgers University (yup I’m a Jersey girl) with a bachelor’s of science in Pharmacy. I entered the retail industry backed with the ideology that I can help my patients achieve optimal health by thorough drug utilization review, patient counseling and ensuring compliance.

Boy was I in for a rude awakening!!!  After practicing community pharmacy for almost a decade, I became disgruntled by the turn that the so-called “healthcare” industry has taken. To be fair, it probably wasn’t anything new, it was just me that woke up.

I watched my patients start new blood pressure medication, only to return a few months later on a higher dose, then come back with a prescription for cholesterol lowering medication. A year or two passed by and they began treatment for diabetes. Over and over this scenario would play out.


I thought I was a pretty good pharmacist, but I kept questioning myself, “How could we be providing optimal healthcare, if our patients are getting increasingly worse?” I knew drugs, I was trained in prescriptions and traditional medicine  but if drugs are not the answer, then what is?

During this time I was also struggling with my own issues or sugar addiction, hypoglycemia, weight gain and early arthritis. I had always been active- a dancer into my college days, then a snowboarder, runner and biker. I watched what I ate, counted calories meticulously and exercised regularly. Yet I was in pain and unable to to drop the extra weight I’d put on throughout my 20’s (sound familiar?).

What the heck is missing?

I started at the source- I began to by exploring the concept of food as fuel and the effects of the environment and spirituality. By the time I discovered the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) I had created a monster! I realized that in order to create change, I needed to immerse myself into the world of holistic health.


I received my holistic health counseling certification from IIN and accreditation from the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP.) What I learned was NEVER taught to us in pharmacy school and is not in any traditional medical school curriculum. I was taught countless dietary theories: vegetarian, vegan,  Primal, Atkins, South Beach, dairy-free, gluten-free… etc. But learned that no one diet works for everyone (no wonder there’s so much confusion!) and how to distinguish the facts from the marketing hype. Besides diet, lifestyle can affect health. By drawing on all of this information, a variety of practical lifestyle coaching methods, with my background in pharmacy, I began creating personalized “road maps” to help my patients find their way to a healthier life that balance all these aspects.

And here we are!

My one-on-one programs are tailored to your individual needs and lifestyle. I offer support for detoxing, lifestyle modification, nutritional support, grocery tours and cooking classes, as well as offer the Metagenics line of supplements, therapy and medical foods.

Thank you for taking the time to find out more about me.

Now I’d love to hear from you. What’s your passion? Where are your struggles? How would a Coach help you?

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